May be ,Don’t you like an art work? Let's enjoy it with a downloading jpeg image.

 One piece of picture might change your life

poster purchase image
Thank you for your visit. My name is Masahiko Yokota. I’m an modern artist lived in Sapporo Hokkaido Japan.

By the way, you who came to this page. May be ,don’t you like an art work.
Don’t you interested in an art work very much?
Is it not you who especially has an interest in modern art ?
If not so,you would not come to this page.

By the way ,even if you have a lot of money ,is there anything that you want now?
Rahter you want to watch an art work ,picture, computer graphics even better than clothes, car, shoes ,mansion ,don’t you.

Inoko Toshiyuki (猪子 寿之) who is the CEO of ‘Team labo’ in japan said, "Do you want new stylish shoes, or watching the visual art work of Team Labo’s Dwarf?"

Now,creative power to make an art work has a great value more than think logically.
Many people will say ,I want to wach the visual art work now"

It is so, an art work is especially high value now.

By the way, isn’t an painting is too expensive for you because it is only one.
But you are enjoying music by the downloading of MP4 file. or CD .

Therefore I suggest that you purchase a poster or download jpeg image , and enjoy modern art willingly.

In the case of my poster of this time,the price of download is ten US dollar.
The size is A3
poste doenload lp

If you don’t purchase an art work ,you may not get an eye for good pictures.

Go to tokyo gallery official site

Hozu yamamoto (Japanese: 山本 豊津) is the representative director of Tokyo Gallery(Japanese: 東京画廊).
It is one of the most famous japanese contemporary art gallery.
And it is the first japanese contemporary art gallery.

I am in intimate relations with him for twenty years.
He said in the Japanese information site., “NEWS PICKS”.

"If you don’t purchase an art work ,you can’t get an eye for good pictures.

Kongo Rikishi (Benevolent Kings)carved by Unkei, Kaikei

For example ,If you went to the Exhibition of Unkei( (Japanese: 運慶; c. 1150[1] – 1223) ,he was a Japanese sculptor ),you don’t watch his sculpture with the intention of buying.

It is no meaning.  After all By you are planing on buying an picture , your eye for good pictures will grown up ,too.

Art is a way of communication.

If you met many people more and more , your eye for people will grown up.
We can say the exact is same thing about the art.

Please Appreciate and purchase a lot of pictures in exhibition.and art fair as much as possible.
And please grow up your eye for art.

Yes,you may purchase a picture which you like in exhibition. and art fair"

By the way your music hobby was developed by listening many music.
We can say the exact same thing about picture and sculpture ,chaina ware.

★Therefore I suggest that you purchase a poster or download jpeg image , and enjoy modern art willingly.

If you want to my poster ,please purchase and diplay it on the wall ,and please watch it everyday.
You will notice many things that is the condition of being hard to express in words

In the case of my poster of this time,the price of download is ten US dollar. The size is A3.
poste doenload lp

One piece of picture might changes your life

Kandinsky face photoFounder of the abstract picture, Wassily Kandinsky watched the picture “HaystacksImage “ painted by Claude Monet when he was the professor of Dorpat University in Estonia.

From this time, he came to watch “HaystacksImage “ in his dream at night from time to time.
He realized a thing that a picture has the power to impress a human being like the music deeply.

He thought that he wanted to research the musical effect of the picture.
After all he went to Munich to be painter retired a professor of Dorpat University

My life was also changed that I watched one piece of picture

oannes image
"OANNES" by Odilon Redon

My life was also changed that I watched one piece of picture, “Oannes ”, 1910 by Odilon Redon .

I also watched the picture in my dream at night. “Oannes”

Oannes appeared in my dream suddenly and threw Kandinsky’s book of paintings out before my eyes.

When I was wotching the picture of book in my dream which several ships were painted had changed to the paper snowfall of cherry blossom petals. It blows all over the area

And a little girl Enka Singer was singing Enka songs.
(Enka is Japanese and Korea popular music) In the precincts of the Shinto shrine of Japan.

From this time I was thinking the meaning of this dream, and at last I discovered an existing common scientific law between music and pictures.
This is a picture which I draw the dream.

Tadanori Yokoo (横尾忠則) who was a world Graphic Designer in japan wached an exhibition of Picasso, This is because he felt Picasso was drawing his pictute which he wants to draw more freely, and looks more happy than he

By buying an picture and diplay it on the wall ,your talent of art and imagination may grow up ,and understanding to human depths psychology may advances.
In addition, Creativity blooms and may lead you to the self-realization.

Therefore I suggest that you purchase a poster or download jpeg image , and enjoy modern art willingly.

In the case of my poster of this time,the price of download is ten US dollar, The size is A3.
poster download lp