new my artwokThis is a partially enlarged view of the latest work. 2023年3月6日 2023年3月6日artyokotajp Facebook post Facebook post
An common scientific law between music and pictures Abstract painting requires an understanding of color and the meaning of abstract shapes such as circles and squares◆By this latest art work, I would like to explain the law of translati...
My Resume I cannot secure time to produce a work【My History No6 】I could not secure enough time to produce a picture by Lehman's fall. ...
new my artwok This is a partially enlarged view of my latest pastel painting "The Flower of Snow.Hello. I am Masahiko Yokota. This is a partially enlarged view of my l...
An common scientific law between music and pictures I have achieved "the union of painting and music by a common law This is exactly the same as the great mathematician Jules-Henri Poincaré, who combined geometry and algebra to create topology, believing that "mathematics is the art of seeing different things as the same thing.When I met Hozu Yamamoto(山本豊津), the representative of Tokyo Gallery(東京...
pastel painting What artists are famous for their pastel paintings? The first one is Odilon Redon.Hello. I'm Masahiko Yokota(横田 昌彦), a pastel painter and digital art ar...
toppage kyoto 1945 August 6 AM 8:14:59 It is a picture completed on December 8, 2018 Because I used the comm...
new my artwok Released on New Year's Day, 2022. This is a preliminary sketch for a new pastel painting created in Photoshop and Illustrator.Released on New Year's Day, 2022. This is a preliminary sketch for a n...
the value of contemporary art Why was Takashi Murakami's contemporary art and artwork so highly acclaimed in the West? No1This is the world's most comprehensive explanation of the value of Tak...