I established my expression-style.
The style is drawing picture using pastel on the paper of the color such as the Japanese painting like a Odilon redon .
The reason why I established it is that received an inspiration by death of my mother .
At 2008, I went Tokyo gallery again 、and show Mr. Hozu Yamamoto this painting “Praising Leonardo da Vinci 2”.
He said,
”Anyway I have looked at a lot of art works rather than the other people.
You have had all the requirements as the professional painter already.
In this picture , The line of Kourin Ogata(尾形光琳) and Sotatsu Tawaraya(俵屋宗達)are included、It is an wonderful paintings.
But your expression-style is different from Tokyo Gallery’s style.
Don’t we compromise each other.”
※Kourin and Sotatsu are the historic great master of the Japanese painting。
What is the requirements as the professional painter?
I was able to understand it at once.
The fist is an ability to make a picture, the second is an the art theory, it is a base of the production, the third is an ability of marketing and business.
He said
“ I think you could get a break through and good path for your future.
Please produce wonderful art works for as the proof that you lived in this time.
Please try it hard to open a large retrospective exhibition in an large art museum as a great master .
It is the exhibition that different time and expression-style pictures were displayed in different room like an exhibition of Picasso. "
As I almost believed that I am a reincarnation of Odilon Redon and Leonardo da Vinci.
I said
“Even if a certain person got big fame and fortune in previous existence,
It is a start from all zero if he was to be born again by transmigration.
I think that I got fame enough in previous existence.”
Then Mr. Yamamoto was infuriated and said for one hour thirty minutes
“I understood the cause why you weren’t careful enough at the finish of details of your picture today.
I talked with Takashi Murakami in the other day, he is living in this time that if he can`t leave art works and name in museum to posterity ,
He thought his life does not have a meaning.
The difference between you and Takashi Murakami is the only having strong ambition or not.”
This long sermon gave me a strong confidence to me that I gained ability when I can fight at top-level of the world of art circuit.