Realizing the Musical State of Paintings Discovering the Common Law of Translating Music into Paintings. Paintings and giclee prints also available.

My discovery of the law of translation of music into painting is a revolutionary innovation for our times!

 As the great mathematician Poincaré said, "Mathematics is the art of regarding different things as the same thing."
 It is a truism that good ideas are those that combine previously thought dissimilar and unrelated things by finding a common law between them.
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My discovery of the law of translation of music into painting is an innovation for the ages!

 As the great mathematician Poincaré said, "Mathematics is the art of regarding different things as the same thing." It is a truism that a good idea is a combination of finding a common law between things that were previously considered dissimilar and unrelated.
 Such a good idea is called an innovation, and the person who initiates the innovation is called an innovator.
 In the worlds of academia, the arts, and entrepreneurship, a genius is this innovator.
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A good idea is a new combination of different things
 When I was young, I was asked by a famous Japanese gallery owner.

 He said, "Why do you want to combine music with painting? "
 He would have said, "If you like painting, I just see an painting! If you like music, I just listen to music."

 I was young and could not refute anything at that time.

 But this question is the decisive one.
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Assumption that works of art are motionless like still life

 Until now, most people have assumed that a painting is an artwork that does not move , with the exception of cartoons, movies, and mechanical sculptures and machines.

 People assumed that art was to be appreciated by staring at the work from the front.

 For example, Yoshitomo Nara's painitings (奈良美智)and the Mona Lisa are almost devoid of movement.
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I am the first to clearly articulate "What is art?"

 I have read many books on aesthetics and art, but I think almost no one has been able to answer the question "What is art? I think almost no one has been able to answer that question in a way that gets to the heart of the matter.

 So what is art?

 Art is "the expression of something.

 What do you think? Can anyone refute this? It is impossible.

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I have elucidated the significance of abstract painting, which aims at a musical state of painting.

 Who is the founder of abstract painting? It is now known that a female painter, Hilma af Klint, painted abstract paintings that are symbolic representations of the unconscious as described by Jungian psychology before Kandinsky..

 In this sense, Tibetan Buddhist mandalas are also abstract paintings, as arejapanese Jomon pottery and clay figurines, and humans have been painting abstract pictures for a long time.

 Therefore, the theory that "abstract expression appeared because modern humans came to experience nature and things in a more indirect way" is also incorrect.

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I am almost the best pastel painter in the world!

 Painters who paint large works in pastels are very rare in the world.

 Today, most painters work with acrylics because of their durability and Quick-drying and easy handling.

 Historically, the masters of pastel painting are Odilon Redon and Edgar Degas. And Fantin-Latour,and very few others.

 So, I can say that I am one of the leading pastel painters of our time.
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I am the reincarnation of Redon.

 I became convinced that I was a reincarnation of Redon after the vision of "Homage to Leonardo da Vinci Ⅱ"and a dream I had as a college student in which Oannes, painted by Redon, suddenly appeared to me in a dream and threw at me an art book that looked like a color blindness checkbook, like a Kandinsky abstract.

 "In a desolate land where nothing is pleasing to the eye, it was necessary to create something pleasing to the eye by imagination".

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Why is a single painting sometimes surprisingly expensive?

 It is because it is created with ideas, techniques, and know-how acquired through a great deal of trial and error and hard work.

 The amount of books and materials I has read in order to paint a single picture is enormous, and the books in his studio today are kept at the minimum number required.

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Jungian psychology and Goethe's Faustian worldview as central ideas for my production.

 Of all the books I have read since college, psychoanalysis has been central to the formation of the self, especially Jungian psychology.
I became aware of Jungian psychology because a friend who likeda Japanese novelist Yasutaka Tsutsui (筒井康隆)introduced me to Tsutsui's books and because the world-class artistTadanori Yokoo (横尾忠則)was devoted to Jung for a time.
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Consultation on the purchase of pastel original drawings and large size giclee prints

 Hello, This is Masahiko Yokota(横田昌彦).

 I am not currently selling original pastel drawings.

 One reason is that I would like to have my drawings on hand for display at a solo exhibition that I will hold in the near future.

 Another reason is that I have strong doubts about the fact that the artist will not receive even a thousand dollars in profit when the price of the sold work rises in the market.

 However, we have received a small number of inquiries from people who wish to purchase original pastel paintings.

 We also receive requests from people who would like to have a pastel drawing of this or that size painted in this or that way.

 In addition, we have received quite a few inquiries from people who wish to purchase Giclee prints that are also large in size and stretched on canvas.

 Therefore, we would like to sell these art works, including creating and delivering new art works, if both parties agree to the terms and conditions.

 If you are interested, please feel free to contact us using this consultation form.

 For giclee prints, please provide us with details such as the size of the work, desired materials, and location of use, and we will prepare and send you a quotation.

 You can also view the original artwork at the ’Sapporo Web Programming School ’classroom in Japan, which we manage, so please feel free to use this form to contact us about this as well.

 Prices start at 50,000 yen for the small size giclee prints without frames.

 We expect pastel originals to start at 200,000 yen, and A0 size (841 x 1189mm) at 300,000 yen.

Masahiko Yokota's art store is now open. Click on the image to visit.
masahiko yokota artshop long image
I have begun selling original pastel paintings. Click here to go to the purchase consultation page.
masahiko yokota pastel drawing purchase site link image